Exercise 3.2(a)

Trying out the technique demonstrated in the intro of Christopher Doyle in the opening scene of Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH38QAN80vs

This is really just a first attempt, to work out how to make the method work.

I using a 24mm prime lens, I set the camera to shutter priority mode, with a shutter speed of 1/8th of a second. I set for continuous shooting mode, saving files as 1920 x 1280 jpegs.

Next I sat in my office chair, focused on the door handle, started continuous shooting, and rotated myself in the chair through 360 degrees, and only stopped shooting when I returned to my starting point.

I then loaded all of the resulting images into Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum. My camera has a continuous stills shooting speed of 3 images per second, so I imported 3 images into each second of the timeline in the editing suite and then rendered the series as an mp4 video file. The audio was added just to demonstrate the shooting speed of the camera as it captured individual images.

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Obviously, this is just a proof of concept, done just to find out if I could actually do it at all. I intend to create something a bit more watchable later in the week.